Sunday, December 16, 2012

Gendercide: Where's the Girls?

     Picture this scene. You and your significant other are celebrating the fact that you are now carrying a little bundle of joy. You are about to deliver your baby, and what should be a time of excitement and joy is now a time of fear and heartbreak. You, unfortunately, have just given birth to a new baby girl and she sadly has to be adopted, sold, or killed because it is unacceptable to have girls in your culture or your significant other simply wanted a boy instead. This is an undercover epidemic that was once a practice in some developing countries, and is now showing up in some states in America.
     Initially, the practice of gendercide was showing up in countries such as India and China, but unfortunately it is a practice showing up in the United States as well. Current statistics state that in India and China there are 120 men for every 100 women. Now initially, an unsuspecting onlooker would think that this statistic is not to bad. Bur when the onlooker is told that this happens because of processes like sex-selective abortion, they might change their mind.
    Currently in America, abortion based on gender is legal, and a practice that has stirred up controversy in clinics such as Planned Parenthood, who actively participate in gender-based abortions. The way I see it is that if you are so determined to have one gender over the other, than just adopt. Don't subject an innocent fetus, neonate, or baby (depending on the stage of development) to death just because you were selfish and unsatisfied with the gender. What ever happen to the days were people were just happy to have a health baby all-together?

     Luckily, thanks to programs such as the Gendercide Awareness Project, word can get out around the world that this type of unnecessary killing and subjection of harm on the female body is not accepted. A social and cultural paradigm shift needs to happen, so that females are just as accepted as males, starting at birth.
     To learn more about the Gendercide Awareness Project, please check out the following link:

1 comment:

  1. Victoria---I really cannot believe that Planned Parenthood actively participates in gender selection abortions!!! I am completely shocked and saddened.
